| 619.446-6750
Serving Your TechLaw Needs Since 2005

Internet and Technology Law

Maybe no longer the wild frontier, but neither has it been tamed

Law continues to scramble to keep up with the monumental technological advances of the past few years. As an online business, your lawyer needs to have an understanding of not only law, but the actual mechanics of online business and its technological infrastructure. I am deeply involved in both. I know how this stuff works, or can figure it out if I don’t.

With an abiding love for the law, technology, and the future, this office has spearheaded cases taking a hand in both altering, and helping to stabilize the way parties advertise and do business online. Striving to remain at the forefront of both the law and the technology involved is a continuous, but rewarding and always interesting endeavor.



Because we generally understand how the underlying technology or system works, you don’t have to spend as much time educating us about the tech part of your case, and can jump right to the meat of the problem. That saves time. You say: TLD, IP, DNS, MySQL, SSL, https, PGP, git, SaaS, DDoS, dox, PPC, SEO? Acronyms, initialisms, and jargon don’t scare us.


Our clients are entrepreneurs. Like us. That means that we like to do things ourselves. This office embraces that notion. Because you know the facts; the details; have all the information – you can initially present the narrative best. We put you – the client – to work, because it is your business, and every minute you put into your matter saves you money, and makes our job easier.


Tech and General Litigation

Contract Disputes
Client & Vendor Disputes
Licensing Breaches
Libel and Slander (Defamation)
Trade Secret Infringement
Intellectual Property Infringement
Unauthorized Computer Access
Independent Contractors / Employees
Insurance Coverage Issues
Unfair Business Practices (CA B&P §17200)

Tech Transactional

EULAs (End User License Agreements)
Website Terms of Use / Terms of Service
Online Agreements / Contracts / Disclaimers
Software & Web Development Agreements
Privacy Policies
Data & IP Licenses
Affiliate Agreements
White Label Contracts
Source Code Issues & Licensing
Domain Name Sales & Transfers

Intellectual Property & Domain Name Disputes

Trademark Infringement and Cybersquatting
Trademark and Service Mark claims before the USPTO
UDRP Domain Name Dispute Claims and Arbitration (ICANN Uniform Domain-Name Dispute Resolution Policy)
Copyright Infringement Claims; DMCA Takedown Requests (Digital Millennium Copyright Act)
Misappropriation of Trade Secret Claims

Not-So-Tech Transactional

Corporate and LLC Documents
Strategic Alliances and Agreements
Purchase and Sale Agreements
NDAs and Confidentiality
Contract Review and Draft Tweaking

For Attorneys: Consulting & California Subpoenas

Internet Law Consultations

At times attorneys representing online businesses find themselves bogged down by the technology, jargon, and unique legal issues that online commerce and technology can bring to an otherwise typical case.

We have provided general consultations on Internet Law issues for varied law firms and attorneys, including: family law attorneys regarding ownership and division of online assets; probate estates regarding intellectual property assets; criminal law firms regarding digital evidence; small firms and solo lawyers needing a quick primer on particular Internet-related issues; attorneys dealing with issues related to online defamation, advertising and search engines, online contracting, cloud applications, data transfer, domain registrars and ISPs; and other issues related to online business that require knowledge beyond that of some attorneys.


California Subpoenas for Out-of-State Cases

There are a lot of major Internet and tech companies in California. Google, Yahoo!, and eBay come to mind. Indeed, there are a lot of companies period. If you are an attorney from another state, you may have a need to subpoena records from a California company that pertain to your matter.

Prescient California legislation has made it much easier to do so . California Code of Civil Procedure §2029 et seq. allows this office to subpoena a California party on your behalf for your out-of-state case. This simplified procedure resolves jurisdictional problems and dispenses with outmoded procedures. And it works.

We keep our rates reasonable for attorneys too. Contact this office for more information.

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